Why Launching Repeatedly Means Doing It Right

Why Launching Repeatedly Means Doing It Right

As a founder, you shouldn’t think you only get one shot at launching your startup. Launching is something that founders should always be doing; it is not a point in time but rather a continuous process throughout a company’s lifecycle. So if you haven’t yet, put yourself out there! You can start by:

1. Building a landing page that has: a domain name, company name, short description, contact, and call to action (e.g. get in touch, subscribe, request access).

2. Sharing it to communities like: Product HuntRedditElpha, Facebook groups, alumni groups, and popular blogs (that cover your industry).

Launching repeatedly and asking for feedback lets you see how people respond to your idea, pitch, and Minimum Viable Product, and gives you many opportunities to refine them. If you are successful, you will need to continue to launch new features and product lines anyway. Just know that as a founder, you will never not be launching.


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